=============================== AlarmPoint Patch Release Notes =============================== Patch version: PATCH-410-001 Build: 379 Revision: 38147 Document revision date: April 1, 2010 Copyright AlarmPoint Systems, Inc. 1994-2010 ------- SUMMARY ------- This document covers the following: * Versions of AlarmPoint this patch affects * Behavior the issues display * Fixes included in this patch * How to install this patch (including any prerequisites) * Files included in this patch package * Issue status (i.e., which version of AlarmPoint includes this patch) NOTE: This document is subject to change after the initial release of this patch. The latest version of this document is available in the "Patches/Misc. Downloads" section of the AlarmPoint Connect web site (https://connect.alarmpoint.com/). ---------------------------- AFFECTED ALARMPOINT VERSIONS ---------------------------- This is a cumulative patch for AlarmPoint 4.1.0 issues, and should be applied to all AlarmPoint Application Nodes, Notification Nodes and Web Servers (and to the DataSync Server, if applicable). WARNING: When applying an AlarmPoint patch to an existing installation, the patch may overwrite some files that were already modified for an integration. This may cause the integration to stop working. If this occurs, using the integration documentation, re-apply the configuration changes and validate the integration. (See also the article titled "Integration stops working after applying AlarmPoint patch" on the AlarmPoint Connect web site.) In particular, note that the following AlarmPoint integrations may edit pre-existing AlarmPoint Node or Web User Interface files: - HP NNMI: Updates web.xml in webserver\webapps\axis2\WEB-INF (see the section "Initialize the Incident Subscription Manager" in the integration guide) - HP Service Manager (Adv): Updates classpath on node-start.conf on Windows and node.sh on Unix (see the section "Initialize the Web Services Library" in the integration guide) - HP Service Center (Adv): Updates classpath on node-start.conf on Windows and node.sh on Unix (see the section "Initialize the Web Services Library" in the integration guide) WARNING: Before applying this patch, you must upgrade to AlarmPoint 4.1.0. After upgrading, it is recommended that you apply the latest AlarmPoint 4.1 patch, UNLESS your upgrade path is not compatible with the latest patch. To determine whether your upgrade path is compatible with the latest patch, see the article titled "AlarmPoint Patch Compatibility Matrix" on the AlarmPoint Connect web site. WARNING: Applying this patch overwrites any configuration changes made to the node logging file (/node/assets/config/log4j.xml). If you want to retain your current log file changes, ensure that they are put back into the new log file. REMINDER: The AlarmPoint Support Policy was updated in February 2009. You can access the updated Technical Support Policy document on the AlarmPoint Connect web site (https://connect.alarmpoint.com/support). After logging in, click the Support tab, and then download the document from the menu on the left of the page. This cumulative patch provides fixes for all entries under "ISSUES". ---------------------------------- ISSUES FIXED IN THIS PATCH RELEASE ---------------------------------- Issues fixed in AlarmPoint 410 patch 1: *************************************** 28. Custom Messaging Panels not ordered properly after upgrade to 4.1. Existing message panels are not ordered properly after upgrading to AlarmPoint 4.1 running against a DB2 database. Although the panels remain usable, they exhibit the following symptoms: * The panels are displayed out of order on Messaging tab's left menu (the Quick Message Panel should appear first) * All of the panels are ranked as "0" in the Order column of the table on the Custom Messaging Panels page * The Reorder page for Messaging Panels throws a stacktrace when saved. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-19210) 27. Upgrading to AlarmPoint 4.1 may cause Custom Subscription Panels errors. Existing AlarmPoint integrations (e.g., to HP NNMi) that include Custom Subscription Panels may experience errors after AlarmPoint is upgraded to version 4.1. In particular, a "String index out of range" exception occurs on AlarmPoint integrations that have a summary panel for Subscription details. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-19108) 26. Group Schedules set to end after X occurrences cannot be notified. After applying AlarmPoint 4 patch 5 (Patch 400-005), newly-created Groups with Schedules set to end after a specified number of occurrences cannot be notified (and the node generates a stacktrace). (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18846) 25. Some SIP servers (e.g., Avaya) do not recognize AlarmPoint DTMF tones. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18172) 24. getDigits script method can only capture up to ten digits on SIP. The getDigits script method for the phone script object can only capture up to ten digits on SIP. This applies to all uses of getDigits, including Login IDs, passwords, conference numbers, etc. For example, if a User attempts to enter an 11-digit Phone Login ID, the returned number will include only the first 10 digits (resulting in an invalid login). (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18171) 23. Unable to view home page when AlarmPoint configured for SSO. If an AlarmPoint is configured for SSO and a User successfully logs into AlarmPoint via SSO and subsequently logs out, they will be redirected to the AlarmPoint login page (i.e., a page with a URL ending in SSOSignOn.do). When the User logs in again (using valid credentials), the login is successful but the User is presented with a page indicating that they do not have the proper permissions to view their AlarmPoint home page. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18141) 22. LDAP authentication logging has been improved to assist with debugging. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18137) 21. Deleting Company can cause SIP Device Engine callin/callout & TTS failure. In a multi-Company deployment, deleting a Company can cause the SIP Device Engine callin, callout, and TTS engine to fail. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18136) 20. SMPP password field does not validate field length. The SMPP specification allows for a short password, and the SMPP Device Engine correctly detects passwords that are too long and logs an error. However, this error is not obvious to Users in AlarmPoint; the password should be validated in the associated configuration field, providing the User with immediate feedback when an invalid password is specified. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18131) 19. Assign Permissions page displays permission names instead of descriptions. The Assign Permissions page currently displays the formal names of Permissions (e.g., view.screen.PersonDetails) rather than descriptions of the Permissions. While these names generally match the URL for each page, they may not be congruent with the page title, which can cause User confusion. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18113) 18. FindWhoIsOnDuty web service call response includes duplicate Users. When the FindWhoIsOnDuty web service call is run against a Group with duplicate Users across Teams, the response includes a detailed recipient list with duplicate Users. This data duplication can delay response times and serialization, and in extreme cases can cause out-of-memory errors. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-18086) 17. No Health Monitor Message is sent when SIP registration fails. When a SIP Device Engine fails to register with the SIP Server, the Health Monitor should send out a message to this effect. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-17570) 16. Add 'export to Microsoft Excel' option to Company Quotas page. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-17400) 15. AlarmPoint URLs can be improperly shared, causing potential security issue. AlarmPoint URLs can be improperly shared, which can cause a potential security issue. In particular, Users with the same permissions who share URLs may be able to view the other User's AlarmPoint pages via the shared URL. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-17368) 14. User's notification status may be reported on the wrong Exhaustive Report. A User's notification status may be reported on the wrong Exhaustive Report for simultaneous events that reach voicemail. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16934) 13. AddEvent web service call does not allow null values for event tokens. The AddEvent web service call does not allow null values for event tokens. This can cause some custom integrations to receive an unexpected unsuccessful response code. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16597) 12. Health Monitor events not created for a failed Protocol Provider. In a multi-Company AlarmPoint deployment, Health Monitor events are not created for a failed Protocol Provider if the notification target is not in the default Company. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16412) 11. Log message and script report ANAYLSIS_ERROR instead of actual error. When the AlarmPoint Phone Device Engine encounters connection errors such as NetworkDown or another telco network signal, the log message reports ANAYLSIS_ERROR instead of the actual error. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16175) 10. Custom Attributes Details page accessible without proper permissions. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16158) 9. View Sent Messages page displays only one of multiple predicate values. AlarmPoint 4.0 patch 5 added functionality to allow the selection of multiple values for one predicate in a Custom Messaging Panel. However, after sending a message with multiple predicate values selected through such a messaging panel, the View Sent Messages page displays only one of values. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-16138) 8. Cannot delete Subscription when it has an active alert. Currently, if there are active alerts for a Subscription, it cannot be deleted. This can become an issue for longer-lifecycle Subscriptions for which there are always active alerts (i.e., the Subscription can never be deleted). (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15724) 7. EventScriptObjectImpl.getUniquePersons method can cause stacktrace. When message recipients in different Companies have the same User ID, a script including the EventScriptObject.getUniquePersons method causes a stack trace to be logged and notifications are not sent out. The method should be modified so that it distinguishes between Users with identical IDs in different Companies (i.e., the method should be Company 'aware'). (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15720) 6. SMTP Device Engine cannot send multiple emails in one connection. To maximize message throughput, the SMTP Device Engine should be able to send multiple emails in a single connection. After applying AlarmPoint 4.0 patch 9, the AlarmPoint SMTP Device Engine will support multiple emails in one socket connection. For details, see the article titled "How can I configure AlarmPoint to send multiple emails through one connection?" on the AlarmPoint Connect web site. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15714) 5. Add new isValid method to ExternalServiceMessage script object. A new method called isValid should be added to the ExternalServiceMessage script object. The script should use this method before it tries to send messages to an external service. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15675) 4. Adding an empty (i.e., blank) Event Domain Predicate causes stacktrace. Attempting to save an Event Domain Predicate with a null value causes a stacktrace to occur. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15452) 3. Pagination on the Groups I Supervise page does not work correctly. In some cases, the incorrect page is displayed on the Groups I Supervise page. For example, clicking the page 6 button may display page 10 of the results. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-14962) 2. Support User should not be able to create or delete Users or Groups. Users who have the Support User Role can currently create or delete Users and Groups; these permissions should be removed from the Role. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-13480) 1. External key of DataSync's DS_USERS table is case-insensitive for imports. The external key of the Data Synchronizer's DS_USERS table is case-insensitive when importing users. For example, if an attempt is made to import a new User with an external key of "test-user" and there is an existing User with an external key of "TEST-USER" (imported via a previous Data Sync), the new User is not imported, and details for the existing User will instead be updated. The external key should be case-sensitive. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-15531) ------------ KNOWN ISSUES ------------ Even when the AlarmPoint Integration Agent submits a message to a Company other than the Default Company, the Integration Agent log indicates that the message was submitted to the Default Company. (AlarmPoint Systems Reference: APE-13596) ---------------------- INSTALLING THIS PATCH ---------------------- Apply this patch to all AlarmPoint Application Nodes, Notification Nodes and Web Servers (and any DataSync installations, if applicable). WARNING: This patch includes database changes (see next section) that may impact your replication mechanism; consult with your database administrator for further details. Database changes ---------------- DDL: On all supported databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2): - Adds table DATABASECHANGELOG - Adds column CUS_FIELDS to table NTFN_EVS - Creates index IDX_DISPATCH on table LIVE_NTFN - Adds Procedure DISPATCH_QUERY On DB2 Only: - Adds Type NTFN_IDS BIGINT ARRAY[] DML: On all supported databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2): - Updates table PROV_PROTS setting SESSION_MAX_SIZE - Adds Node Component: Notification Response Processor - If missing, re-add permission 18210 (view.menuitem.AddCustomPage) to function 100 (Super/Company Administrator) - If missing, re-add permission 18211 (view.screen.AddCustomPage) to function 100 (Super/Company Administrator) Before installing this patch: ----------------------------- 1. Shut down all Node processes. 2. Shut down all Webserver processes. 3. Back up the AlarmPoint Database. To install this patch: ---------------------- NOTE: This patch includes path names longer than 100 characters. As a result, you must use a GNU-compatible version of tar to extract the tar archives. 1. Back up the AlarmPoint installation directory. - On Windows, default install directory is: C:\Program Files\AlarmPointSystems\AlarmPoint - On Unix, default install directory is: /opt/alarmpointsystems/alarmpoint 2. Save the PATCH-410-001.zip or PATCH-410-001.tar.gz file to the AlarmPoint installation directory. 3. Do one of the following: - On Windows, extract (i.e., unzip) the PATCH-410-001.zip file to the installation directory and overwrite the existing files. - On Unix, run the following commands on the PATCH-410-001.tar.gz file and overwrite the existing files: gunzip PATCH-410-001.tar.gz tar -xvf PATCH-410-001.tar 4. If you are applying this patch on: - Windows, delete the following files from the Windows\system32 folder (if the files are present): - alarmpoint_sapi_tts.dll - alarmpoint_mapi.dll - AIX, move the libjspAixPpc.so file from /AIX (located in the extracted patch directory) to /jre/bin Navigate to the /jre/bin directory and set the proper permissions by executing the following command line: chmod 755 libjspAixPpc.so - HP-UX Itanium, move the libjspHpxIa64.so file from /HPUX (located in the extracted patch directory) to /jre/bin Navigate to the /jre/bin directory and set the proper permissions by executing the following command line: chmod 755 libjspHpxIa64.so - HP-UX PA-RISC, move the libjspHpxPaRisc.sl file from /HPUX (located in the extracted patch directory) to /jre/bin Navigate to the /jre/bin directory and set the proper permissions by executing the following command line: chmod 755 libjspHpxPaRisc.sl 5. Do one of the following: - If you have not installed the DataSync component, skip to "After installing this patch", below. - If you have installed the DataSync component, complete the remaining steps. 6. Back up the AlarmPoint DataSync installation directory. - On Windows, default DataSync install directory is: C:\Program Files\AlarmPointSystems\AlarmPoint_DataSync - On Unix, default DataSync install directory is: /opt/alarmpointsystems/alarmpoint_datasync 7. Do one of the following: - Extract (i.e., unzip) the PATCH-410-001-DataSync.zip file to the installation directory and overwrite the existing files. - Run the following commands on the PATCH-410-001-DataSync.tar.gz file and overwrite the existing files: gunzip PATCH-410-001-DataSync.tar.gz tar -xvf PATCH-410-001-DataSync.tar After installing this patch: ---------------------------- IMPORTANT: Database upgrades may take place after this patch is applied (i.e., during startup of AlarmPoint components). The first component to be started will cause the database upgrades to be applied. This means that the subsequent startup of web servers and nodes may be delayed while they wait for the database updates to be completed. To monitor the progress of the updates, see "Determining the status of database updates", below. 1. Restart the Node processes. 2. Restart the Webserver processes. Determining the status of database updates ------------------------------------------ To determine the current status of database updates, open the log file(s) associated with the first AlarmPoint component being restarted (default locations shown; only one log will include the MUTEX entries): Node ---- /logs/AlarmPoint.txt. Web Server ---------- /webserver/webapps/axis2/WEB-INF/logs/ AlarmPoint_WebApp.log /webserver/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/logs/ AlarmPoint_WebApp.log /webserver/webapps/mobilegateway/WEB-INF/logs/ AlarmPoint_WebApp.log During component restart, you will see log entries similar to the following: 2009-01-21 22:07:02,251 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Acquiring patch update MUTEX. 2009-01-21 22:07:21,685 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Acquired patch update MUTEX. 2009-01-21 22:07:22,356 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Package 1 of 8 (4.1.x/oracle/01.xml) 2009-01-21 22:07:22,356 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Statement 1 of 2: Executing SQL Statement. 2009-01-21 22:07:22,506 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Statement 2 of 2: Executing SQL Statement. 2009-01-21 22:07:22,516 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Package 2 of 8 (4.1.x/oracle/02.xml) . . . 2009-01-21 22:07:22,847 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Package 8 of 8 (4.1.x/oracle/finalize.sql) 2009-01-21 22:07:22,936 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - The database update scripts have been successfully processed and deleted. 2009-01-21 22:07:22,936 [AlarmPoint Node-main] WARN - - Patch update MUTEX released. After the message "Patch update MUTEX released" appears in the log, the database update has completed. NOTE: If the log shows that the process has not proceeded from "Acquiring patch update MUTEX" to "Acquired patch update MUTEX" in a timely manner, ensure that there are no locks on the ORGS database table. ------------------------------ FILES INCLUDED WITH THIS PATCH ------------------------------ PATCH-410-001.tar.gz PATCH-410-001.zip PATCH-410-001-DataSync.tar.gz PATCH-410-001-DataSync.zip --------------- WEBSPHERE FILES --------------- The "Patches/Misc. Downloads" area on the AlarmPoint support site (https://support.alarmpoint.com/) includes the following archive files: PATCH-410-001-websphere.tar.gz PATCH-410-001-websphere.zip These archive files contain the following WAR files for use with IBM WebSphere 6: - PATCH-410-001-axis2-websphere7.war: Contains AlarmPoint Web Services files. - PATCH-410-001-cocoon-websphere7.war: Contains web user interface files. - PATCH-410-001-mobilegateway-websphere7.war: Contains AlarmPoint Mobile Gateway files. If you have already deployed these files on a previous AlarmPoint deployment, you must uninstall the existing files and then reinstall the new files based on the instructions in the "Advanced AlarmPoint Administration" chapter of the AlarmPoint Installation and Administration Guide (available for download from the AlarmPoint Support site). END OF FILE